martes, 27 de noviembre de 2018

Learning about Philipines

Francesca tell us about Philippines and Manila. We learn a lot about this amazing country: where is it, the weather, time, currency, flag...
Then we compare Spain and Philipines.
It is ve interesting! 🌏

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2018

Reading race

Our students have a photocopy with people without name and the descriptions to guess the name are around the class and the corridor. They walk around the school to complete the activity.

miércoles, 21 de noviembre de 2018

Pen Friends' letters

Today we get the pen Friends' letters from Yecla! I am very glad with this activity and the most important is that the children are very excited reading them too!

The students are just waiting for the next letter 😊💌

martes, 20 de noviembre de 2018

Can / Can't

Today we practise writing in 2nd grade. On the blackboard I put some flashcards and they write a sentence in  the whiteboard. To finish the lesson we watch these videos.

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2018

Nessie, the loch Ness monster

In English culture, we can find fantastic creatures stories. Today we learn about one very popular monster: Nessie. Children love it! 🐉

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2018

Speaking vocabulary games

Today we take advantage of our speaking auxiliary, Francesca, to play speaking games and practise new vocabulary.
We divide the class in two groups: with me they play vocabulary games in the digital board and with Francesca they play speaking games with flashcards.

We are very happy to have Francesca with us! 😊

Picture dictation

Today we practise speaking in class. They draw a monster and describe it to their partner who has to listen and draw. Here you have some examples.

At the house projects

Our students of 2nd made these wonderful projects to review the vocabulary and grammar structures we learn in class: they draw kitty and write about it. Now they are decorating the board.  They do a great job!

miércoles, 7 de noviembre de 2018

Quizizz: daily routines

Today we go to the computers room to play Quizizz about daily routines.

Quizizz is a useful app with questions where they can practise the grammar structures we are learning in class. It's also very funny because it's got differents pictures and memes to the answers and a ranking with points. They are very excited!

CODE: 373843

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2018

In, on, under song

We're learning prepositions of place and in class we sing this funny song. You can listen and practice at home.