lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019


Today we enjoy watching the English play JUMANJI
Our students sing, dance and learn English in a very funny way!

jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019


To review the vocabulary about numbers, colours, toys and pets we play Bingo! Children like this game a lot!

                  (template from La profe Raquel)

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019

Playing computer games

Today we went to the computers room. There we played different games about clothes, numbers... They loved them!

To play at home, click on the link.

Jungle animals games

To practise the vocabulary we play different games. 

  • Fly swater: It's a giraffe! And the students put the fly swater on the correct animal. 
  • Go fishing: every child has a fishing rod and I say It's an elephant! They fish the right animal. 

martes, 19 de noviembre de 2019

Jungle animals songs and stories

In class we dance and sing these wonderful songs.

I also have read one of these stories. They enjoy listening different tales.

viernes, 15 de noviembre de 2019

School actions: dice writing

It is a very funny game to practise writing. Children throw the dice and according to the number they write a word. The first completing the six words is the winner!

🎲1 catch         🎲4 read
🎲2 read           🎲5 climb
🎲3 write          🎲6 play football

To finish the lesson we sing these songs and watch this vídeo. 


This week we did different activities about this topic.


Tower game
They say an animal and put the picture and a glass. The objective is to build a tower. It is very funny!

(idea from aplacefromsharingmar) 

Clothes songs and game

This week we practised listening and speaking. We listened, sang and dance with these songs and with our speaking auxiliary we planes this boardgsme.